I’m a Believer

…blessed is she that believed… -Luke 1:45

Linky Blog Love – The Deep End March 9, 2009

deep-end-pool-2I thought I would share with you one of my favorite blogs on the internet, my husband’s blog – Swim The Deep End.

Sometimes he’s got a Bible study going on, sometimes he’s Just Sayin’, sometimes he’s playing doctor, or teaching S.W.I.M. lessons.  Occasionally he’s having a bold conversation about Jesus with a professing atheist.  Often, he shares quotes from admirable people of faith. 

There is only one complete and total inaccuracy on his website.  In this quote about me you will also discover his delightful unique sense of humor and gift for sarcasm:

She is sleek and fast in the water, sort of a cross between a torpedo and a Mako shark. You should see her rocket up out of the surf onto a floating inflatable raft. Simply spectacular.

What can I say?  I married a marvelously complex, multi-talented man who also has a love for God’s word.  So long as he’s swimming the deep end and not going off the deep end, I’m grateful. 

Stop by and take the opportunity to either SINK or SWIM.

II Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”

God’s Holy Word is the instruction manual for life. In it we find doctrine (what is RIGHT), reproof (what is WRONG), correction (how to DO right), and instruction (how to STAY right.) If we don’t look in God’s Word, and learn how to S.W.I.M. (See What It Means), then we run the risk that we might S.I.N.K. (Step In Not Knowing). Spend time reading your Bible each and every day. God’s promise is that it is “profitable.”

I’m a Believer!



Laura Needs March 6, 2009

Filed under: Miscellaneous Rambling — Laura @ 12:50 pm
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Since I posted what I should get, I thought (in retrospect) it might be wise to find what I truly need, from someone who should know me by now – Mr. Google.

Here are the instructions:

Type in your first name & the word “needs” in google and list the first ten responses that make sense. This is pretty funny…

1. Laura needs 25 cents and 2 fingers (???)

2. Laura needs some post-toddler love.

3. Yer mom knows what Laura needs. (cracks me up!)

4. Laura needs her meds changed. (Tell me!)

5. My friend Laura needs help! (Yes, she clearly needs her meds changed…).

6.  Laura needs a tech makeover.

7. Laura needs your continued support, Together we’ll fight evil! (Amen to that!)

8. Laura needs you to come eat. (What am I cooking?)

9. Laura needs your insight.

10. Laura needs to commit this nut now! (I know just the nut(s)!)

Let me know what you find.  I think I’m gonna tag Rena & Ginger for this one… but if you find something fun, post it in comments.

I’m a Believer!



What Should I Get? March 2, 2009

In keeping with my “New Year’s Revelation,” here are a few more things we need to get, straight from God’s word.  (They would all make great t-shirt slogans, wouldn’t they?)

life-cerealGet a Life!

He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life ~1 John 5:12


dallas_cowboys_helmet_rightface1Life’s Tough, Get a Helmet!

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:  ~Ephesians 6:17


hands-holding-bibleGet a Grip!

Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.  ~2 Thessalonians 2:15



What do you need to get from God’s word?  Leave a comment & let me know!

I’m a Believer!
