I’m a Believer

…blessed is she that believed… -Luke 1:45

I Love it When a Plan Comes Together… April 1, 2008

Today our Tuesday Bible study group finished Beth Moore’s Breaking Free study.  It was my first Beth Moore study, and it was fantastic.  It was a stretch for all of us “Tuesday Morning Ladies”  because we have been “doing Bible study” the same way for as many years as I’ve been at River of Life, and this was a little different.  What I’m saying is it kinda cramped our style :-0!  But every week the study went down deep into my soul.  The word of God was presented so sweetly and specifically that I know I have been changed on the inside by the gentle cutting of the Sword of the Spirit.  (You know, it’s always that first prodding that is so startlingly painful …)

There has been such confirmation throughout this entire study, and this final week was no exception.  I traveled to the Celebration of Women Conference (more…)