I’m a Believer

…blessed is she that believed… -Luke 1:45

Your Provision is on the Path April 11, 2008

On our adult retreat last weekend, someone mentioned our journey & how God has things for us along the way that He provides for us on that particular journey or path.  That really got me thinking about my “path” – my past path, my current path, and where that path will go in the future.   I attempted to voice something about that at the retreat, but I got a little emotional (waaah!).  I hate it when that happens.  So, what I meant to say was…

As I look back over my personal path from birth to now, it’s overwhelming to trace God’s hand in my life.   From before the moment I was formed in the womb, God knew everything about me.  He knew where my path would lead, and He placed provision all along my path.  He knew the family I would be born into.  He provided me with parents that would teach me the basic foundations that I needed to become His child – that God is real, and the things of God are important.   He provided people along the way to share the truth of the Gospel with me.  Although I rejected that truth many times before I received it, I have specific vivid memories of people sharing the salvation message with me.  And though I was lost and stumbling in the darkness, He still revealed Himself to me (more…)